A Irish Road Trip: Cliffs, Mermaids, Capitals, Cathedrals and Leprechauns

In September of 2023 my daughter and I set out on our first trip to Europe and our 1st stop! Ireland!

After a long flight from the US we arrive in Dublin airport, pick up our rental car and started the journey by finding our AIRBNB about 20 KM from airport. And a journey it was with me navigating the wheel on the right side of the vehicle! Every round-about was like jumping on a merry go round headed the opposite direction! With a bit of luck we made it to the AIRBNB! Cleaned up and found food at a nearby McDonald's (BTW would be considered a 5 star restaurant in the US) I would recommend a fish sandwich and fries!

Had no problem sleeping after the long day of travel!

Day 1: The Cliffs of Moher and the Burren

We set out early from Dublin in our rental car, heading west towards the Cliffs of Moher. The route is scenic, with beautiful farms and quaint villages.. Upon arrival, we’re greeted by the majestic sight of the cliffs plunging into the Atlantic. The wind carries the sounds of the waves crashing on the cliffs below as we walk the pathways, each turn offering a new, breathtaking view.

The Mermaid of Moher

In the legend of the Mermaid of Moher, a local fisherman stumbled upon a mermaid’s presence while casting his line near the Cliffs of Moher. Intrigued, he engaged in conversation with the mystical creature. As they conversed, the fisherman noticed a magical cloak resting near a rock nearby. This cloak was essential for the mermaid to return to the sea, as she needed to wear it. However, his desire for her magical cloak quickly consumed him. Seizing an opportunity, the man snatched the cloak and hastily made his escape to his home, carefully concealing the precious item.

A little limerick from my spirit to yours!

When in Ireland be sure to take a trip to the Moher Cliffs
A wee bit of a drive but well worth the trip

And when gazing into the Abyss be careful not to slip!

 Late afternoon, we make our drive back to Dublin and make a stop in the small village of  Burren. This karst region is dotted with rare flora, ancient dolmens, and meandering stone walls. 

We end our at a pub for dinner where the hospitality is as warm as the peat fire in the hearth and the food was beamed down from heaven on a plater fit for kings.

Day 2: Our Irish adventure continues in the city of Dublin


The streets are alive with the hum of history and modernity as we explore the cobbled lanes of Temple Bar, the hallowed halls of Trinity College, and the legendary Guinness Storehouse. 

As the day wanes, we enjoy a hearty meal at a traditional pub, oh and got stabbed by a couple of Leprechaun's! 

Day 3: Newgrange

On our final day, we journey to the Boyne Valley to visit Newgrange. This Neolithic passage tomb is older than the pyramids, its spiral-carved stones whispering tales from 5,200 years ago. We enter the tomb, and for a moment, time stands still as we stand where ancient peoples once honored their dead.

As our trip concludes, we return to Dublin to catch our flight to Italy. Our hearts are full of memories from the land of saints and scholars, and we’re already dreaming of our next Irish adventure.

Traveling by rental car has given us the freedom to explore Ireland at our own pace, creating a personal connection with this land of myth and beauty. Whether it’s the soaring cliffs, the bustling city streets, or the silent tombs of the ancients, Ireland offers a journey not just through places, but through time itself.

Fire up the spirit, hit the road and go with the flow! 
for your next Serendipitous Adventure! 

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